B1. Communicable Disease Prevention, Investigation and Control

Icon representing the "Communicable Disease Prevention, Investigation and Control " core service. It is a green circle with a magnifying glass.

Communicable Disease Prevention, Investigation and Control: Colorado’s governmental public health system will carry out state and locally coordinated surveillance, disease investigation, laboratory testing, and prevention and control strategies to monitor and reduce the incidence and transmission of communicable diseases.

Programs will target illnesses that are vaccine-preventable, zoonotic, vector-borne, respiratory, food- or water-borne, bloodborne, healthcare associated, and sexually transmitted as well as emerging threats. Communicable Disease Control will collaborate with national, state, and local partners to ensure mandates and guidelines are met and timely, actionable information is provided to the public and to health professionals.


The source Core Public Health Services Operational Definitions Manual 2019 is organized as follows:

  • All Foundational Capabilities are labeled 'A'
  • Specific Capabilities are labeled 1 - 7 
  • Functions are labeled 'a', 'b' etc.
  • Function Definitions are labeled 'I', 'II' etc.
  • Operational Definitions are labeled 'i', 'ii' etc.

Explore each Function below by clicking on the drop downs

B1a. Communicable Disease Prevention

I. Provide timely, statewide, locally relevant and accurate information to public health partners, health care system partners and the community on communicable disease risks and preventive strategies to reduce those risks. 

  i. Collect and maintain communicable diseases, other reportable conditions and immunization data according to Colorado Board of Health Rules and Regulations.
  ii. Develop and implement protocols for data and information sharing between public health; health care providers; pharmacists and veterinarians, when appropriate, and other local, state and federal agencies and the public to reduce disease transmission and increase immunization rates. 
 iii. Analyze, interpret and share communicable disease, and other reportable conditions and  immunization data pertaining to inequities. 
  iv. Produce and share periodic/routine reports of communicable diseases, other reportable conditions and immunization rates to support prevention and control strategies. 
  v. Inform decision makers of potential and actual impacts to public health based on data, immunization for communicable disease and other reportable conditions while complying with statutes related to personal information. 
  vi. Provide the public, regulated facilities, health care facilities, health care providers and stakeholder organizations effective and timely communication about protection recommendations evidence-based practices. 
  vii. Gather community input to facilitate the development of public health policy, systems and environmental change initiatives for communicable disease, other reportable conditions and immunization rates, including those designed to promote health equity. viii. Fulfill future data needs using multiple methods and sources for data collection, analysis and presentation using evolving technology with near real-time data displayed using visualization tools and geographic information systems (GIS) to meet user’s requests. 
  ix. Maintain the ability to develop and adapt data systems as needed. 

II. Conduct routine surveillance for reportable conditions. Monitor data to prevent and detect outbreaks and maintain awareness of communicable disease trends. 

  i. Collect and report disease information according to Colorado Board of Health Rules and Regulations.
  ii. Develop and maintain up-to-date electronic statewide immunization information system (IIS). 
  iii. Develop and implement protocols for data and information sharing between public health; health care providers; pharmacists and veterinarians, when appropriate, and other local, state and federal agencies and the public to reduce disease transmission and increase immunization rates. Include protocols for confidentiality as appropriate.
  iv. Ensure that health care providers, pharmacists, school officials and the public are educated about the statewide immunization information system (IIS) and how to enter and access data, as appropriate. 
  v. Analyze, interpret and share communicable disease and other reportable conditions and immunization data pertaining to inequities. 
  vi. Measure the impact of communicable disease and other reportable conditions and immunization rates on the health of the public, including priority populations. 
  vii. Ensure health care facilities, health care providers, veterinarians and laboratories are educated about reportable conditions requirements including the need for timely and accurate reporting and how to report. 
  viii. Maintain capacity to prioritize and respond to data requests and as appropriate, prepare data files to share and make available to researchers and other stakeholders. 
  ix. Ability to develop and adapt data systems, as needed.

Organizational Chart of Communicable Disease Prevention

PDF of B1a Flow Chart 

B1b. Identify Communicable Disease Prevention, Investigation and Control Assets

I. Identify local community, regional and statewide assets and ensure disease surveillance, investigation and control of communicable diseases, in accordance with local, state and federal mandates and guidelines. 
  i. Provide subject matter expertise to inform policy, system and environmental change and to inform program design and communications to decision/policy makers, providers, the public and stakeholders about communicable disease and other reportable conditions. 
  ii. Identify, develop, engage and maintain local strategic partnerships with health care facilities, health care providers, pharmacists, long-term care facility staff, infection control specialists, school officials, the public and others to prevent, control and mitigate risk from communicable disease and other reportable conditions. 
  iii. Identify, develop, engage and maintain strategic partnerships with statewide organizations, associations and government agencies to prevent, control and mitigate risk from communicable disease and other reportable conditions. 
  iv. Identify, develop, engage and maintain relationships with academic institutions and/or research centers to advance evidence-based practice and innovations related to disease prevention, control and mitigation. 
  v. Work with partners to develop a prioritized control plan(s) addressing important communicable disease and other reportable conditions and immunization rates, as needed. 
  vi. Work with partners to advocate for high priority policy, system and environmental change and other initiatives regarding communicable diseases and other reportable conditions. 
  vii. Use data, evidence-informed practices and community input to facilitate the development of public health policy, systems and environmental change initiatives for communicable disease, other reportable conditions and immunization rates, including those designed to promote health equity. 

II. Ensure access to communicable disease prevention services through partnerships with community providers or direct service provision. 
  i. Identify, develop, engage and maintain local strategic partnerships with health care facilities, health care providers, pharmacists, long-term care facility staff, infection control specialists, school officials, the public and others to prevent, control and mitigate risk from communicable disease and other reportable conditions.
  ii. Identify, develop, engage and maintain strategic partnerships with statewide organizations, associations and government agencies to prevent, control and mitigate risk from communicable disease and other reportable conditions. 
  iii. Identify, develop, engage and maintain relationships with academic institutions and/or research centers to advance evidence-based practice and innovations related to disease prevention, control and mitigation. 
  iv. Work with partners to develop a prioritized control plan(s) addressing important communicable disease and other reportable conditions, and immunization rates, as needed. 
  v. Work with partners to advocate for high priority policy, system and environmental change and other initiatives regarding communicable diseases and other reportable conditions. 
  vi. Use data, evidence-based practices and community input to facilitate the development of public health policy, systems and environmental change initiatives for communicable disease, other reportable conditions and immunization rates, including those designed to promote health equity.

Organizational Chart of Identify Communicable Disease Prevention, Investigation & Control Assets

PDF of B1b Flow Chart 

B1c. Communicable Disease Investigation and Control 

I. Investigate case reports, outbreaks, unusual trends and uncommon cases of communicable diseases. Implement disease control measures to prevent communicable disease transmission. 
  i. Investigate cases of reportable disease and suspected outbreaks according to standard protocols and guidance provided by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Reportable Condition Investigation Guidance and Communicable Disease Manual.
  ii. Work closely with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in communicable disease investigation and control particularly if an investigation crosses county lines or technical assistance is needed. 
  iii. Conduct timely investigation of complaints related to communicable disease or other notifiable conditions, including ensuring capacity to identify and respond to rare or previously unidentified infections (conditions for which formal protocols do not yet exist) or novel modes of transmission. Maintain capacity (including a system/process) for prioritization and respond to investigate cases and control disease outbreaks within the jurisdiction, in collaboration with partners. 
  iv. Maintain a tracking log of all case reports and investigations. v. Issue public health orders. 
  vi. Coordinate with partner agencies to conduct public health enforcement activities using legal tools, as appropriate; provide due process and coordinate notification of violations among appropriate agencies. 
  vii. Provide Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) for active tuberculosis (TB) utilizing qualified local public health agencies (LPHA) personnel. 
  viii. Provide latent tuberculosis (TB) therapy as a provider of last resort. 
ix. Provide recommendations to health care providers for treatment of active and latent tuberculosis (TB). 
  x. Take appropriate measures to prevent disease transmission using methods specific to: infected persons, contacts to infected persons, and the environment in which communicable disease occurs (e.g., ensure access to human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis for the purposes of communicable disease control.)

II. Issue public health orders and coordinate with partner agencies to enforce orders.

Organizational Chart of Communicable Disease Investigation & Control

PDF of B1c Flow Chart 

B1d. Communicable Disease Laboratory Services 

I. Ensure availability of public health laboratory services for disease investigations and response, and for reference and confirmatory testing related to communicable diseases.
  i. Provide 24/7 access to laboratory resources to support testing for notifiable conditions and outbreak identification, including biological and chemical agents of weapons of mass destruction. 
  ii. Maintain a current continuity of operations plan (COOP) in the event of a disruption of laboratory services. 
  iii. Promote and maintain innovative scientific and technological infrastructure to provide cutting edge laboratory services to protect and promote the public’s health (e.g., next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and other advanced techniques). 
  iv. Maintain interdisciplinary collaboration across diverse programs (e.g. epidemiology, preventive health and environmental health) to ensure consistent knowledge and communication on innovation, testing methodologies and results interpretations. 
  v. Develop and maintain efficient electronic systems that support data collection, analysis and reporting and ability to share confidential lab data within the governmental public health system and clinical laboratories. Include protocols for confidentiality as appropriate. 
  vi. Maintain protocols and provide training for proper collection, preparation, packaging and shipment of samples of public health importance. 
  vii. Coordinate with local public health laboratories and federal partners (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], United States Food and Drug Administration [FDA], United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] and United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]) in specimen testing, outbreak identification and testing protocols. 
  viii. Develop and maintain surge capacity agreements with other public health laboratories (regionally and nationally) to ensure testing capacity during emergency events or large outbreaks.

Organizational Chart of Communicable Disease Laboratory Services

PDF of B1d Flow Chart

B1e. Immunization

I. Promote and provide immunization through evidence-informed strategies and in collaboration with schools, health care providers and other community partners to increase vaccination rates. 
  i. Develop and maintain up-to-date electronic statewide immunization information system (IIS). 
  ii. Ensure that health care providers, pharmacists, school officials and the public are educated about the statewide immunization information system (IIS) and how to enter and access data, as appropriate. 
  iii. Provide subject matter expertise to inform policy, systems and environmental change, program design, and communications to decision/policy makers, providers, the public and stakeholders about vaccine preventable disease and immunizations. 
  iv. Ensure that health care providers, pharmacists, long-term care facility staff, infection control specialists, school officials, the public and others are educated about vaccine-preventable diseases and immunizations.
  v. Develop, implement, and enforce laws, rules, policies and procedures related to immunizations per local, state and federal mandates and guidelines (e.g., school/work exclusion, isolation and quarantine). 
  vi. Identify, develop, engage and maintain local strategic partnerships with health care providers, pharmacists, long-term care facility staff, infection control specialists, school officials, the public and others to use evidence-based strategies that are culturally and linguistically appropriate to increase immunization rates in children and adults, and in communities that are disproportionately impacted by low immunization rates. 
  vii. Identify, develop, engage and maintain strategic partnerships with statewide organizations, associations and government agencies to use evidence-based strategies that are culturally and linguistically appropriate to increase immunization rates in children and adults and in communities that are disproportionately impacted by low immunization rates. 
  viii. Identify, develop, engage, and maintain relationships with academic institutions and/or research centers to advance evidence-based practice and innovation regarding immunizations.
  ix. Work with partners to develop a prioritized plan addressing important immunization issues. 
  x. Work with partners to advocate for high priority policy, system and environmental change initiatives regarding immunizations.

Organizational Chart of Immunization

PDF of B1e Flow Chart

B1f. Coordination of Other Communicable Disease Service with Foundational Capabilities and Services 

I. When other public health services are delivered regarding prevention and control of communicable disease, ensure they are well coordinated with foundational capabilities and services. 
  i. Identify and support relationships, interdependencies and coordination needs between the foundational service and related public health services. 
  ii. Leverage foundational activities and funding to support identification and implementation of related public health services and vice versa. 

Organizational Chart of Coordination of Other Communicable Disease Services with Foundational Capabilities & Services

PDF of B1f Flow Chart