Privacy Policy and Disclaimer


Fire Aside Home Inspection Privacy Policy and Disclaimer 

Privacy: By submitting an application, you confirm that you are an authorized representative (an owner, occupant or legal representative designated by the property owner) of the property associated with the residential address entered into the form provided on this site and acknowledge that GFR will not share any data collected during the defensible space inspection unless required by local, state, or federal laws. 

DISCLAIMER: Wildfire mitigation work can reduce the risk to life and property from wildfire and can help fire personnel protect your home. However, the risk cannot be completely eliminated. Wildfire can be unpredictable and uncontrollable, and despite following all steps recommended, there is no guarantee of personal safety or protection from damage. The Defensible Space Inspection (DSI) is intended to educate and support participants in taking responsibility for reducing their risk from wildfire but makes no claim as to the ultimate effectiveness of the program or mitigation actions.