Wildfire Evacuation Checklists


Being prepared for the possibility of evacuation due to an approaching wildfire requires advance awareness and planning. You can’t assume you will have time to gather belongings, communicate a plan or prepare your house. Find helpful checklists here.

Wildfire Season: Things to do to be Prepared

  • Complete the Annual Safety Measures and Home Maintenance list.
  • Put together a 72-hour emergency kit.
  • Maintain an inventory list documenting valuable items that you own. You’ll need this should you make an insurance claim. The list, along with photographs, receipts and other documentation should be stored in a safe place, away from your property. You should also have copies of important documents (e.g., marriage license, mortgage, property/auto ownership documents, wills, driver’s licenses, insurance policies) stored away from your property.
  • Make a list of things that you would want to take with you should an evacuation be necessary.
  • Make a list of emergency phone numbers, including numbers for your insurance agent, bank, etc.
  • Know where your gas, electric and water main shut-off controls are and how to use them.
  • Create a family emergency plan, including a meeting place should an evacuation become necessary. Establish a contact point to communicate with concerned relatives.
  • Talk to your neighbors about wildfire safety and how the neighborhood could work together before and during a wildfire. This could include help with pets, children and/or disabled family members if the homeowner isn’t at home when an evacuation is ordered.
  • Review your homeowner’s insurance policy to be sure you are adequately covered.

Rotary Wildfire Ready Checklist: Includes 72-hr kit, evacuation notices, info on the fire, dress for survival, things to do inside and outside the home if you have time

American Red Cross Checklist: includes what to do before, during and after a wildfire